After the Showboard Revolution ended, surfers began to try out different surfboard designs to try out new maneuvers. Young Hawaiians, in particular, were using Aipa boards to do 360-degrees and super low cutbacks, crossing over with Southern California skateboarding and incorporating innovative moves to broaden the scope of surfing. The year before professional surfing was established, Australians such as Rabbit Hartslow-Mu, Michael Peterson, Ian Karns, and Heat Townent were challenging themselves in Hawaii. Meanwhile, Hawaiians such as Larry Bertleman, Rory Russell, Harry Kanai'aifuni, Gerry Lopez, and Jeff Hackman were taking on the challenge, and this was the beginning of "Hastin' Town the Door." The film is packed with the culture of Hawaii and California at the time, including the California skateboarding scene and David Nuhiwa cruising on a Twin Fin Fish!
Starring surfers: Larry Bartleman, Michael Peterson, Gerry Lopez, David Nuhiwa, Heat Townent and others
Super Sessions Year: 1974 Director: Hal Jepsen Duration: 74 minutes
A new era of maneuvers has arrived!