Fantastic Plastic Machine
Fantastic Plastic Machine
From 1964 to 1970, the USA was in the transitional period leading to the heyday of surf culture, and surfboards were shortened from longboards, and this documentary became the surf trip that marked the beginning of that. In 1968, the American side depicted the shortboard revolution, and the rivalry between the USA and Australia began to melt away as they shared the pure joy that surfing inherently possessed, leading to mutual research. Nat Yank, who had risen to the world championship, realized the purity of surfing and went into seclusion, surfing in secret. Shoshi Klinoff, who was indispensable to the shortboard revolution, also appeared, and became the pinnacle of Hollywood-Rotmoohy. Skiff Frye, Nat Yank, Hoff McTahish, Mickey Munoz, and others, who are now called regents, have been attracting attention again in recent years. As historical surfers, they are still active today as surfers who drew revolutionary lines, and as such are historical surfers. This film, which reflects their origins, is a must-see for surfers. Fantastic Plastic Machine Year of production: 1968 Director: Eric & Lowell Frum Duration: 1 hour 24 minutes
Short hort revolution eve? Revival!